Sunday, June 29, 2003

The Reliable Source?

Speaking of the Clown Forum launch party, Grovel Grove claims that someone "hollered" an insult about Senator Hillary Clinton when Head Clown Steve Ross stated that "Ann [Coulter] is the matriarch of Crown Forum." No such outburst is heard on the C-SPAN2 tape. Grovel also said that Coulter "headlined" the event. But C-SPAN2 didn't show any speech by her, although it aired lengthy remarks by a rather haggard looking Michael Medved.

Say it ain't so, Grovel. Has a right-wing P.R. flack misled our Lloyd?

Update (6/30): A reader watching the same program did hear the clever quip about Hillary. If the tape is put online I will listen again. I should have known that a columnist cohabiting with a staffer of the Sen. Bill "Man on Cat" Frist would have the skinny on wingnut shindigs.

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