Wednesday, June 25, 2003


Here's the reason this site rarely bothers with chumps like the Instapundit. Yesterday, Tennessee Dim wrote:

GEPHARDT UPDATE: Ernie the Attorney writes:

[P]redictably, we now are in the "explanatory phase" wherein the politician's handlers provide information on what he really meant. Fortunately, the blogosphere is impervious to this sort of thing. Unfortunately, we can't say the same thing for the traditional media. But then they've got smaller (but more entertaining) fish to fry.

Ain't it the truth. [sic]
But two weeks ago, Dim was linking to another conservative blogger who was grousing that Paul Krugman quoted Dick Cheney's exact words, but the quote wasn't really what Cheney meant. Sayeth the wingnut, "this quote [Krugman's quote of Cheney] has the virtue of being literally accurate - however, it is also hopelessly misleading." The wingnut then whined that "this misquote [sic] seems to have taken on a life of its own - CNN, Slate, and TIME all have it." Dim accepted the blogger's characterization this as one of "four bogus quotes" by Krugman. Neither Dim nor the blogger cite any statement by or on behalf of Cheney claiming that Cheney misspoke. Rather, the impervious "blogsphere" -- in the form of the wingnut and Dim, by endorsement -- took it upon itself to explain what Cheney really, actually, really, no honestly meant.

Instapundit is nothing more than a right-wing clipping service, with the proprietor endorsing, without thought, whatever half-assed statement some other wingnut blogger makes at the moment. He's also lead man in the circle jerk. Life's too short to waste your time on such crap.

Update (6/30): Tom McGuire, the "wingnut" in quo, offers a reasoned and measured response here; no doubt an underhanded attempt to make me look intemperate. Nicely done! Anyway, Tom should save his big guns for Eugene Volokh, who apparently turned Tom's discovery into big cash money, via a National Review Online article. (In a completely non-tortious and constitutionally-protected way, I'm sure.)

P.P.S. Of course, Reynolds is still a yutz.

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