Monday, June 16, 2003

Hey, Morons!

Did you vote for President Clinton in 1996? Did you oppose his impeachment? Were you better off in 2000 than in 1992? Then Jonathan Yardley has one word to describe you: Idiot.

"But between the first inauguration and the pardons lay eight years of bumbling, dissembling, concupiscence and amorality. That the American people not merely tolerated this but gave Clinton the benefit of just about every doubt is a sign, perhaps, of their capacity for forgiveness, but it is a sign of moral obtuseness as well."

You're all fools, amoral scumbags, and most likely unworthy of citizenship. You're not worthy to breathe the same all-American air as the righteous Johnno.

Yes, the Washington Post finally got around to (nominally) reviewing Sid Blumenthal's The Clinton Wars. It should come as no surprise that the Post circled the wagons and had one of their own employees review Sid's tome. An independent reviewer reading Sid's book might have quite appropriately discussed the journalistic failings of the Post's own employees (Steno Sue) and those of the Post's sister publication, Newsweek. Clearly, the Post saw that as an unacceptable risk.

Watch out, Conflict-of-Interest Kurtz, you've got some real competition from Mr. Yardley.

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