Tuesday, June 10, 2003

The Corrections

Sullywatch applies a much needed corrective here. Perhaps Sully should use some of that largese to hire an ombudsperson. Or at last Stephen Glass.

Now and Forever

Meanwhile, in light of this comment -- "[c]ertainly the administration has now done a lot to give a direct one-word message to its gay supporters: suckers" -- let's have some harmless fun at Sully's expense by replacing "Hillary" with "Sully" and "her husband" with "Bush," "the administration" or "the Republican Party" in the following passage:

Hillary always knew that her husband couldn't keep his pants on. She knew that he had had serial affairs. They were so obvious that their joint strategy was - from 1992 on - to coyly concede that their marriage had not been perfect. Perhaps she somehow believed that once he became president, everything would change. But surely, given the past, it wasn't inconceivable that he would continue doing what he had always done. If, then, she was genuinely shocked by his admission in 1998, she was a fool. But better to portray herself as a fool - and as a maligned wife - than to acknowledge the truth: that her political ambitions always outweighed the integrity of her marriage; or that she was completely comfortable with an open marriage as long as it meant she could still ride her husband's coat-tails to political power. Her deal with Bill was a marital version of Gordon Brown's and Tony Blair's Islington pact: one partner would be the front, the other would be an integral part of the project.

The infidelity would of course be the Bush/Republican hostility toward gay men and lesbians. It works well if you replace Bill with "the Moonie Times" too.

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