Thursday, August 21, 2003

Onward, Christian Soldiers

The biblical illiterates are starting to re-arm.

Alabama's associate Supreme Court Justices might want to watch their backs in the coming weeks.

Many of Justice Moore's supporters were outraged by the other justices' action. "Does Judas mean anything to you?" Rusty Thomas, a minister from Waco, Tex., said. "Those judges betrayed a righteous man. They'll pay the price."

We all know what happens when a religious nut from Waco threatens you.

And in Florida, "pro-life" forces prepare to kill again.

The judge who sentenced Paul Hill to death in 1994 for the murder of an abortion doctor in Pensacola has received a death-threat letter containing a rifle bullet -- making him the fourth official in Florida to be targeted in a campaign to halt Hill's Sept. 3 execution.

Where is Johnny Asscrack when all of this is going on?

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