Sunday, August 31, 2003

Hier Blogge Ich, Ich Bin Nicht Qualified Anders

I love a good summer cliffhanger, all hype and no peril: Will the Borg destroy the Enterprise and its crew before there are enough reruns for syndication? Which second-tier character actor without a long-term contract shot J.R.? Will one of the Friends do something uninteresting with/to/on another one of the Friends next season?

But this summer has a real-life cliffhanger, one no less unimportant and no more uninteresting than the Hollywood ones.

When last visited St. Sully, he was agonizing about whether to dump the Catholic Church:

But I also need some time and space for spiritual reasons. It's hard to describe the agony gay Catholics are now in; and I'm facing a pretty major life-decision. In this, you need quiet to listen to God and pray sincerely for his help in the struggle to maintain a good conscience and lead a moral life. From your emails, I know I am not in this alone, and I'll be praying hard for all of us in this storm, pro and con, to find God's will for us, whatever it is.

Is Sully's agony real? Who knows? Did the Catholic Church turn anti-gay just this year? Of course not.

Will Sully produce some long-winded, self-indulgent blog version of the 95 Theses? We can only hope.

Meanwhile, since Sully is so adept at compartmentalizing his crises of conscience, he's certain to overlook the fact that his Eagle, "Ah-nuld," proudly used the slur "fag" in the swingin' Seventies, and currently opposes gay marriage (at least for homosexuals). I guess that does qualify Arnold S. as a "pro-gay, hard-ass Republican." But Sully can struggle over that one suddenly next summer.

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