Saturday, February 12, 2005

Pistof Devolves

Want proof there's no God? Nick Pistof's continuing career as a media pudnut is a start.

Here's Pistof thinking deep thoughts:

There's still plenty of reason to be skeptical because Dr. Hamer's work hasn't been replicated, and much of his analysis is speculative. Moreover, any genetic predisposition isn't for becoming an evangelical, but for an openness to spirituality at a much broader level. In Alabama, it may express itself in Pentecostalism; in California, in astrology or pyramids.

In the op-ed pages of the New York Times, in sneering pseudo-intellectual wankery.

Pistof also says:

Another possibility involves brain chemistry. Genes that promote spirituality may do so in part by stimulating chemical messengers in the brain like dopamine, which can make people optimistic and sociable - and perhaps more likely to have children. (Dopamine is very complex, but it appears linked to both spirituality and promiscuity, possibly explaining some church scandals.)

Har har har. This from the self-righteous prick who was pretending to save young women from sexual exploitation a couple weeks ago.

Pistof should avoid writing about religion and science. And everything else.

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