Sunday, February 20, 2005

Ezra Klein has a funny post reviewing Hugh Hewitt's book, Blog. I looked for a copy of Blog at Borders yesterday, but couldn't find it. Must've been sold out, or in the fiction section.

I did come across el-Bent Bozell's cleverly-titled Weapons of Mass Distortion : The Coming Meltdown of the Liberal Media, and briefly contemplated reviewing it. But I'd rather castrate myself with a rusty spork than spend $25.95 on Bozell, so I just skimmed it.

Opening the book at random, I landed on a chapter subhead reading "What A Difference A Lawsuit Makes." The title did not refer to the million-dollar settlement Bozell's PTC group paid to settle the WWF's slander suit, but rather the supposed liberal media bias against Larry "Krazy Kounsellor" Klayman. According to Bozell, when the self-identified conservative, Klayman, filed numerous suits against the Clinton Administration and Clinton associates, the debbil media called Klayman a conservative and wasn't interested in the merits of the suits. Of course, neither was Brent, since his book didn't go on to report the outcomes of those suits. But when Klayman sued over access to the minutes of Dick Cheney's secret energy task force, the media wasn't so hostile.

If Bozell wasn't such a dishonest hack, he would have mentioned that Klayman's anti-Clinton suits went nowhere, and that Judicial Watch is joined by a legitimate organization, the Sierra Club, in prosecuting the suit against Cheney's task force. He might also have mentioned that Klayman's no longer with Judicial Watch.

Maybe Bozell mentioned these facts elsewhere in his slim volume of fairy tales. To be frank, I wasn't going to stand around in a store all day reading Bozell's crap.

Perhaps a sympathetic employee of Bozell's publisher, Clown Forum, could send me a review copy before the piles of remainders are sent to a hazmat site for proper disposal. It would be the perfect revenge for having to work with asswipes like Major Garrett and Michael Medved all day. Bozell's overdue for a bitchslapping, and I'm just the bitch to deliver it.

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