Friday, April 16, 2004

Coming Attractions

Rush and Molloy report that the film version of the Joe Conason/Gene Lyons masterpiece, the The Hunting of the President, will be released sometime between now and November.

Apparently Rush and Molloy haven't read the book, since they include the film version in a list of movies by "anti-Bush filmmakers" who are "ready to do battle with [George Bush] in the movie theaters."

While former President G.H.W. Bush is mentioned numerous times in the book (e.g., "alleged extramarital affairs, [p.] 76"), and Neilsie "John" Bush even rates a mention, there's no reference to Dubya in the index to The Hunting of the President. So unless Bush is releasing his own film the same weekend as Harry Thomason's picture, or Bush has challenged Thomason to a fistfight at the Silver City Cineplex, there won't be a battle between Thomason and the presumptive Republican nominee in theaters this year.

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