Friday, January 16, 2004

Plenty of Nothing

I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but one circumstance of having limited time to blog is that often someone else says what I want to say before I can say it.

A good example is Bob Somerby's response to the Sheryl Stolberg article on Chris Lehane in today's New York Times. The piece quotes various anonymous folks from other campaigns suggesting that Lehane is a sinister force. But, as Bob notes, the worst the article comes up with is Lehane handing reporters two articles (or one article and a synposis of one article) -- one in which John Kerry praises Lehane's candidate, Wesley Clark, and the other summarizing a Boston Globe story critical of Kerry.

Not exactly up to Karl Rove standards as dirty tricks go. Yet fools like Drudge and Kaus act as if the Times has the goods on Lehane.

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