Friday, June 10, 2005

Shut It Down (Media Notes, That Is)

Howard Kurtz is the laziest and stupidest right-wing media columnist ever, with the exception of Brent Bozell and that new blogger at NRO. He writes:

The campaign began nearly two weeks ago with this Tom Friedman column (no link because it will cost you $49.95 to check out NYT columnists).

Sorry, Putzy, but that's not so. You can buy the article for $3.95. Just like the pay-per-view archive system the Washington Post has. The TimesSelect program won't launch until September. And you can also get the column for free, here.

I predict Howie will cause his erroneous claim to disappear, without comment, once someone -- an editor, perhaps -- calls it to his attention.

The Putz also quotes Sully Joe as saying "Neil Cavuto seems to have conducted this interview [of Bush] with knee-pads on." When it comes to Bush and kneepads, Sully's your go to guy.

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