Monday, February 06, 2012

"Captain" Ed Morrisey: I Can't Be Bothered to Vote

The Patrick Henry of the Land of 10,000 Lakes has just begun to figh... oh, look, cocktail weenies:

As I wrote earlier, decision time has come to Minnesota, where I live. Unfortunately, I can’t officially participate in that choice, since we have a caucus system rather than a primary — and one cannot cast an absentee vote in a caucus system. I checked twice with my BPOU officials (a BPOU is a “basic political organization unit,” akin to a precinct) and there is no provision for proxy voting. I will be in Washington DC for CPAC and some company meetings when the caucuses take place on Tuesday evening.

....Last time I caucused for Romney; this time, if I had the opportunity, I would caucus for Rick Santorum.

Ed would vote if the Minnesota G.O.P. would just realize that he's the Sheldon Adelson of the Great White North just give him his own damn portable caucus. But the rest of you Republican peeons should vote for Rick Santorum, like Ed would if he's wasn't so fucking special.

Of course, CPAC doesn't kick off its schedule until Thursday, and Ed's such a tech wizard it's impossible to fathom why he can't conduct his business on the intertubes. Rick Santorum's granddad didn't allow his 27 hour workday down in the coal mines keep him from voting.

Just admit you can't be bothered to vote, Ed. No one will think any less of you.

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