Saturday, September 10, 2005

Frivolous Lawsuit Dismissed

Slightly old news, but I missed it.

Someone once suggested it was wrong to bear false witness against one's neighbors. In response, Stephen Williams, the "Alliance Defense Fund" and Sean Hannity, among others, said fuck that shit.

You may recall that Williams, a Christian fundamentalist, sued the Cupertino Unified School District after he was forbidden to teach students fraudulent versions of history and religion designed to prostylize them. Sean Hannity rolled into town and led a crusade against the District based on Williams' lies, and Williams' principal was harassed by right-wing thugs.

In August, the suit was dismissed, Williams has resigned in disgrace, and Williams and his attorney were forced to execute an agreement acknowledging that Williams' claims against the District had no merit. The Left Coaster has all the glorious details.

(The local paper, the San Jose Mercury-News has the same here and here, but with incredibly annoying registration required.)

It's good to see thugs lose.

For those who missed the story in the So-Called Liberal Media, that's because the dismissal got almost no coverage outside California -- except for a blatantly dishonest article on a Focus on the Family website claiming victory for the thugs.

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