Tuesday, August 02, 2005

God Says Don't Let Your Roast Beef Touch Your Mashed Potatoes

Dennis Prager takes a break from debating how many angels can dance on his cranium to explain why G-d hates whoever Dennis hates:

...humans are separate from animals (see part XV); and man is separate from woman. Blurring any of these distinctions is tampering with the order of the world as created by God and leads to chaos. So important is the notion of separation that the very word for "holy" in biblical Hebrew (kadosh) means "separate," "distinct."

This helps to explain one of the least known and most enigmatic laws of the Torah, the ban on wearing linen and wool together in the same piece of clothing (sha'atnez). Linen represents plant life, and wool represents animal life. The two are distinct realms in God's creation.

And that is why the Torah bans men from wearing women's clothing.

It's all so clear now.

By the same logic, men shouldn't wear clothes made from either plants or animals. Which might explain Prager's wardrobe.

Frankly, any clothing blurs the distinction between man and woman. Take off your pants, Dennis, or shut the hell up.

(Link via Pandagon)

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