Saturday, November 27, 2004

Calendar Churls

Via World O'Crap, we learn that the member Claire Booth Luce Policy Institute is offering hard-core intellectual pornography for a tax-deductible contribution:

Make a $25 or more secure online donation to the Luce Policy Institute and you'll receive our 2005 Great American Conservative Women Calendar featuring Ann Coulter, Dr. Laura, Michelle Malkin, Condoleezza Rice, Shemane Nugent and many more prominent conservative women. Click here to make your secure and tax-deductible donation today.

So Laura Schlessinger is a doctor, but Condi is not. Some not so subtle bigotry there.

"It is an honor for me to be included in the 2005 Great American Conservative Women Calendar. To be highlighted among women who feel and believe that it is within the context of traditional values that a woman enjoys the most respect, opportunities, and happiness possible." -- Dr. Laura Schlessinger

Unless you're Schlessinger's mother.

Or Shemane Nugent.

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