Monday, August 02, 2004

Leo The Lyin' Hater

How's this for some old-fashioned religious bigotry:

Barack Obama, the impressive new African-American star of the Democratic Party, told us how blue-state Americans "worship an awesome God," the implication being that Democrats generally are deeply committed to religion and overcome by the power and majesty of God. Even semialert people who follow politics with one eye shut know this isn't really the case. As umpteen scholars have pointed out, the Democrats are morphing into a secular, or nonbelieving party, while the most fervent nonminority Christians are moving into the Republican column.

That's John Leo the Lyin', over at Clown Hall.

Yes, the party of Jimmy Carter, the Reverend Al Sharpton, the Reverend Jesse Jackson and Joe Lieberman is the non-believing party. And notice how the weaselly bastard qualifies his bogus thesis by referring to "nonminority Christians." Christians of color don't count in Leo's warped worldview. (Maybe he counts them as 3/5ths Christian.) People of other faiths also don't count as far as Leo's concerned.

Later on, Leo reveals the depth of his intolerance:

Two political scientists, in a 2001 study published in the Public Interest, concluded that the origins of the culture war can be traced to "the increased prominence of secularists within the Democratic Party and the party's resulting antagonism toward traditional values." The authors,describe a "secularist putsch" among the Democrats, explaining that it made the Republicans the traditionalist party "by default more than by overt action." According to Bolce and De Maio, the secularist constituency is as important to Democrats today as organized labor. Under these circumstances, invoking God (seven mentions in the Democratic platform) drags marketing to the point of hypocrisy. Get used to it. The Democrats will be strongly religious -- right up till November 2.

That's right, if a Democrat claims to be religious, she's lying. Leo's beef is the Democratic Party's tolerance for nonbelievers -- and believers who don't share Leo's "traditional values." The Dems actually show the same respect for people with no religion as those who have a religious faith. Why, the Dems even respect atheists as much as they respect union members. To Leo, that's a disgrace.

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