Monday, July 19, 2004

Young American's Foundation: Don't Fuck With Our Messiah

The Young America's Foundation has a Journalism Center, the purposes of which are fundraising and sucking up to wealthy, bigoted felons:

Ken Grubbs was director of the conservative National Journalism Center until he wrote a piece criticizing Washington Times founder the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Now he's out of a job.


Ron Robinson, president of Young America's Foundation, which oversees the journalism center, says he dismissed Grubbs because "I don't view the role of director as criticizing the media, writing commentaries attacking the media. I didn't expect Ken to do it." Such pieces make it harder for the center to place interns, Robinson says, and was the "final straw" because under Grubbs fundraising and internships have lagged.

Grubbs says that his writing "only builds our integrity" and that Robinson's request that he clear any freelance pieces amounted to "prior restraint. . . . He said, 'The Washington Times has been very good to us, has covered our events, and you've impugned their integrity.' I don't think he understands journalism, and there was a culture clash."

Here's the Moon ass-kisser, bragging about a puff profile in the Moonie rag, Insight. Robinson gives new meaning to the word "young." One can certainly picture him detailing Moon's crown collection with a toothbrush.

Interestingly, the National Journalism Center's "Who We Are" webpage boasts placing interns with Details, Stuff and Larry King Live, but not the Moonie Times. The Center also demonstrates its "Devot[ion] to accuracy" by hosting such guest speakers as "Brian Lamb of CNN" and Bob Novak.

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