Saturday, July 17, 2004

Nobody Reads Roger

Let this be a warning to you. If you don't read Roger, you might find your blog writing checks your ass can't cash at the Check'N'Go. Sully Joe picks up on the growing scandal of how the big bad media hates Georgie:

JOURNALISTS FOR KERRY: Michael Petrelis has done some digging and found which hacks have given to which candidates. Big surprise: "President George Bush didn't receive a single donation from any outlet or reporter in my search." The New Yorker is, in particular, up to its eyeballs in reporter contributions to lefties and Dems.

Well, yes, it is a big surprise.

Sullivan seems particularly distressed by the revelation that the New Yorker is "up to its eyeballs in reporter contributions to lefties and Dems," by which he means that editor/contributors Hendrik Hertzberg and Roger Angell, film critic David Denby and an attorney for the magazine gave money to John Kerry. I hear the talking dogs in the cartoons are members of PETA, too.

Update: Petrelis Files has posted a correction. Will the hairless hack twins follow suit?

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