Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Accentuate The Positive

Although the style of this blog tends toward simplistic insults and carping, we try not to be all negative. In that spirit, I'd like recommend the website of an advocacy group that is both progressive and positive:

The organization's priniciples are listed here. Some of the principles seem a tad ambitious, but the goals are very important. For example, TrueMajority seeks to significantly increase funding for primary and secondary public education. That should be a top priority for the Kerry Administration, right after repealing the No Child Left Behind fraud. (The site is endorsed by the National Head Start Association.) TrueMajority also opposes paperless computer voting.

TrueMajority posits that its agenda is revenue neutral, to be paid for by cuts in military spending. It explains its position in a very clever short animation featuring a cartoon Ben Cohen (who started the organization).

Anyway, I've signed up to recieve their e-mail alerts. The site's definitely worth checking out for the animation alone.

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