Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Who Not To Trust

The grand jury investigating the Plame leak has subpoenaed White House records concerning administration contacts with various journalists and whores. Here's the list:

Robert Novak, "Crossfire," "Capital Gang" and the Chicago Sun-Times

Knut Royce and Timothy M. Phelps, Newsday

Walter Pincus, Richard Leiby, Mike Allen, Dana Priest and Glenn Kessler, The Washington Post

Matthew Cooper, John Dickerson, Massimo Calabresi, Michael Duffy and James Carney, Time magazine

Evan Thomas, Newsweek

Andrea Mitchell, "Meet the Press," NBC

Chris Matthews, "Hardball," MSNBC

Tim Russert, Campbell Brown, NBC

Nicholas D. Kristof, David E. Sanger and Judith Miller, The New York Times

Greg Hitt and Paul Gigot, The Wall Street Journal

John Solomon, The Associated Press

Jeff Gannon, Talon News

Given the paranoid style of governing in the current administration, it's safe to say that the folks listed are people who have demonstrated their loyalty to Bush and Rove. (There may be some exceptions, but not many.)

So it's no surprise to see Pistof Kristof and Judy Miller on the list. The same goes for Evan Thomas, Gigot, and the NBC whores. It was clear even before the list came out that those men and women are administration mouthpieces, and nothing more.

Once the records are produced (or shredded), it would be good to see these folks recieve their very own subpoenas.

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