Sunday, February 15, 2004

Josh Marshall points us to Peggy Nooner's piece in the Washington Post. It reads like the dolphins are once again sending messages directly to her fillings:

The Republicans, meanwhile, have been out there all alone, looking for a lift. They just wanted to get home, have macaroni with the kids, watch a little TV. Even though when they did watch, when they turned on a cable TV news-talk show, what they were likely to see was an Inside Political Hotspot Beltway Hotbuzz segment that began with questions like, "Bush: Madman or Moron?" Or "Scooter Libby: Evil Force or Waning Power?" Or "Dick Cheney: Will the Bush White House Replace Him . . . or Kill Him?"

Now I haven't seen many of these cable shows recently. Hell, Nooner's probably been on more of them than I've seen. But can anyone point to a single instance of these programs where they ran even a non-exaggerated version of these topics? On Faux, MSGOP, CNGOP? Please.

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