Monday, February 23, 2004

Hackery For Dummies

Want to be a bed-wetting hack, imagining liberal bias for fun and profit? Watch and learn.

A constipated chrome-dome writes:

No Bias Left Behind! Compare the New York Times' account of a Utah meeting in which federal officials sought to calm fears about the No Child Left Behind Act ("Bush Education Officials Find New Law a Tough Sell") to the account in the local paper ("No Child Left Behind Comes Into Focus"). Somehow the Times missed this part:
Afterwards, some parents and minority advocates said they didn't want things to change too much. The law forces schools to confront weaknesses, said Karen Duffy, a University of Utah researcher who studies education issues for American Indians.

American Indians have long lagged behind their classmates, she said, and the school system has failed to solve the problem.

"This law is about the only hope they have," she said.

(Emphasis added; hackery in original)

How did de ol' debbil Times miss "this part" of the "meeting?" Well, it's just a wild guess but, maybe because "that part" happened "afterwards," that is, after the meeting. It wasn't part of the meeting.

Perhaps Ms. Duffy didn't want to talk to the Times. Perhaps the Timesman was interviewing others while the Salt Lake Tribune reporter talked to Ms. Duffy. Perhaps the Times killed her so she couldn't give them a quote prasing NCLB. Don't ask Kaus -- he's only hacking.

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