Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Law-Abiding American for Rand

For those dimwitted enough to believe that Poodle Paul's position against recording the telephone calls of "law-abiding Americans" represents some sort of libertarian vestigial tail, suck(*) on this:
“I have never argued against any technology being used against having an imminent threat, [or] an act of crime going on,” Paul said, referring to Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. “If someone comes out of a liquor store with a weapon and 50 dollars in cash I don’t care if a drone kills him or a policeman kills him.”
If you smoke weed, Pot Paul has a wiretap for you.  If he had his druthers, Big Brother would be recording every homosexualist, abortion provider and political "radical" in the land. And worse.

The Poodle is a social Darwinist, to be sure, but he doesn't give two shits about your privacy if you're not one of the people who would subscribe to his old man's newsletter or build a child molesting religious compound in Waco.

*  "Suck on this" is a registered trademark of Tom "Fellatio" Friedman.


Montag said...

Rand is showing himself to be a pretty good wind-sniffer. When he thought he could generate a little support from progressives, he said some of the right things and there was a momentary blip of interest in him. When he discovered that this came with a price--being shunned by the mouthbreathers in the GOP base--he did so many back-to-back 180s that it looked like he was doing donuts in the school parking lot.

I think he's decided to be half-heartedly serious about this running-for-President bizness. He clearly doesn't want to be the next Gary Johnson. What he hasn't figured out, though, is that, even though he's got all the asshole bona fides necessary to run, he's already given his primary opponents enough ammunition for them to be dropping depth charges on the USS Aqua Buddha until he surrenders.

Anonymous said...

“If someone comes out of a liquor store with a weapon and 50 dollars in cash I don’t care if a drone kills him or a policeman kills him.”

And that assumes a robbery, right?


Anonymous said...

Well, now. Let's not be too hasty. We've established that Republicans believe a large body qualifies as a weapon if the body is black. I think what Stupidhartha is saying is that he's cool with droning a black guy using the ATM in a liquor store.