Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Obscene as Cancer, Bitter As The Pud

Bill Kristol, a man who literally wouldn't give a second thought about you dying for his country, feels "we" have become too jaded about the glories of martial sacrifice.  Who're you gonna trust on this one, some Limey ponce who wrote poems, or the brains behind Dan Quayle, Alan Keyes and the invasion of Iraq?

Lest we forget: Not only Neo-Cons, but also the original Cons, were high on The Old Lie:
The phrase is located on the second monument of the Point Lookout Confederate Cemetery in Point Lookout, MD, and at the Confederate Cemetery in the Manassas National Battlefield Park.

A century of bitter disgust with Bill Kristol is too short.


Montag said...

"Bill Kristol, a man who literally wouldn't give a second thought about you dying for his country...."

Ah, yes, but, the question becomes one of which country does Kristol wish us to die for.

When and if Kristol's problem of divided loyalty is resolved, the question will become more easily answered.

Jan said...

Let me guess, we need another war so we can learn to re-appricate it.

Anonymous said...

Why blame Maryland when Bill Kristol was born in New York. Yankees should be proud he's one of them.