Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Republican Family Values: Parks and Recreation Edition

Despite 58 years of abstinence education, Hooiser Grandaddy Mark Souter (R-IN) needs a refresher course. The aged porkbuster has not only sinned against God, but against Nature as well:

Less than a week before the Republican primary election, anonymous callers phoned some of the Republican candidates running against Souder, with allegations that he was regularly meeting a girlfriend for romantic trysts in state parks. One alleged that he and a staffer went together late at night to the remote and heavily-forested Robinson Lake boat launch in Whitley County. But the opponents questioned the reliability of the information, and did not make a public issue of the claims.

For Indiana families wishing to avoid Souder's discarded scumbags on the hiking trial, the question remains: Which parks did Souder visit? My guesses:

Limberlost State Memorial
Frances Slocum State Forest
Clifty Falls State Park
Mounds State Park
Kaukakee State Fish and Wildlife Area
Middle Fork State Wildlife Refuge
Turkey Run State Park

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