Friday, April 11, 2008

Could someone please adjust "Doctor" Helen's meds?

Update (4/12): Perhaps it's unfair to suggest "Doctor" Helen is mentally unbalanced without explaining why. The thing speaks for herself, of course, but let me elaborate. Here's the "Doctor":

Let me give you an example of the professional man who keeps other men down. If you work in — or are involved in — academia, you will know what I mean. There are a number of older guys, in their sixties or so, who worked with the civil rights movement and considered this their heyday. They are now full professors who pride themselves on helping women and minorities get ahead. They come into every faculty meeting harping about the need to give a step-up to the women in the department or they demand that a minority be hired for some position, meanwhile overlooking the qualified men who should also be in the running. You, the young, untenured guy in the department, often wonder why this deadwood won't step down if he cares so much — and give up his much-coveted chair to some minority.

If you're not a persecuted young academic with a pale dick, you can stop reading now. The "Doctor"'s not talking to you.

Of course, professional men keep other men down every day when they select one man over others, for reasons pure and not so pure. But the "Doctor" only thinks this is bad if the professional man prefers a woman or "a minority" to a man. If you screw one man over in favor of another man, no matter how base your motive or unjust the result, the "Doctor"'s not bothered.

More importantly, the "Doctor" seems incapable of comprehending that many minorities are men, and that women aren't a minority. In her view, a professional man is keeping other men down if his decision favors a minority man. So when the "Doctor" pretends to worry about men being kept down, it's only white men she worries about.

After barely concealing her bigotry, the "Doctor" goes on to claim that men are persecuted because although more of them are in positions of power and wealth, there are also more men who are on death row and more men who die on the job. Apparently women are avoiding capital punishment not because they kill less than frequently than men, but because the jury boxes are filled with tenured radical professors who give all the best prison sentences to women.

The "Doctor" then opines that Bill Gates hates capitalism and sexual harassment laws were all Bill Clinton's idea. (Oh, and Heather Mills -- who is apparently is a man -- keeps Paul McCartney down by wanting to spend time with the couple's daughter.)

In the end, the "Doctor" comes full circle, asserting that men are to blame for other men's problems because they blame other men for their problems.

No, really.

Finally, ordinary men also keep other men down (see this comment section at my blog for more on this). Chivalrous men who think women can't make it on their own and need men's protection at any cost, as well as men who stick their head in the sand (ostriches) and blame other men for their problems or say that the problem does not exist, only serve to perpetuate misandry in the culture. In addition, men are indoctrinated to say bad things about other men. How many times do you hear men saying "he's a dog, a deadbeat, a loser," often without proof? And these are their friends. Some men buy into the "men are evil" myth hook, line, and sinker. It is often not warranted.
Men keep each other down by blaming other men for their problems, even though other men are to blame for their problems by keeping them down. And then they have the nerve to deny that other men are keeping them down! No wonder the "Doctor" hates men so much.

Forget about adjusting the "Doctor"'s meds, just pull her license.

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