Tuesday, March 25, 2003

John McCaslin, Free Republic Stenographer

Intrepid Moonie Times reporter John McCaslin has found a way to save wear and tear on the old shoe leather. No need to interview witnesses, confirm allegations or even get up off your ass. All a good reporter needs is access to the Free Republic homepage and sufficient motor skills to cut-and-paste.

Scoop McCaslin writes:

One group of war protestors in Washington isn't so concerned about saving lives after all.

Matt Braynard was traversing city streets Friday afternoon when he observed a group protesting in the middle of 14th and K streets NW, one of the busiest intersections in Washington.

"At the front of the group of cars that were obstructed was an ambulance with sirens on full volume," Mr. Braynard reveals. "Fortunately, a group of police on bikes that [outnumbered] protesters quickly emerged and pushed the protesters aside.

"So this is what the protestors have resorted to," he says, "blocking ambulances at city intersections."
And freeper newbie "Matt Braynard" writes:

In Washington DC today at around 1:30 PM EST a group of protestors tried to block the intersection of 14th and K street NW � one of the busiest in the city. At the front of the group of cars that were obstructed was an ambulance with sirens on full volume. Fortunately, a group of police on bikes that double the number of protestors quickly emerged and pushed the protestors aside.

So this is what the protestors have resorted to � blocking ambulances at city intersections.

Is the story true? Your guess is as good as John McCaslin's.

P.S. to Matt: "the group of cars that was...."

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