Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Scripture For Dummies

For centuries, people have considered the Bible a work of moral and spiritual instruction or a work of literature. Turns out it's really giant Word Search puzzle for computers.

In a rather crass and goulish bit of promotion, Viking Press place an ad (not online) in today's New York Times for The Bible Code II which states that the Bible contains hidden messages which "predicted September 11." The cover of the book even contains an illustration which purportedly shows the words "twin" "towers" and "airplane" (singular) spelled out in a grid of Hebrew letters. (Apparently, the Big Guy only bats .500 on events of mass destruction.)

The genius who writes the Bible Code books, Michael Drosnin, wrote the first one in 1998. So why the hell didn't he predict 9/11 when he could have done some good?

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