Sunday, October 02, 2005

Roger's Equal Time

In order to maintain our FCC blogging license, this site will from time to time provide space for opposing views. The following views do not necessarily reflect the views of Roger Ailes, the weblog, Blogger or Google, Inc. Any reproduction, rebroadcast or use of the pictures, descriptions or accounts of the following without the express written consent of Major League Baseball is strictly prohibited.

The following is the text of two e-mails received from a reader. The second was in response to my request to publish the first. Both are reproduced with the author's approval.

First e-mail:

I guess it is more effective to use vulgarity and weak argument rather than engage in productive public here goes...

You are a fucking idiot! Get a life. I find it absolutely amazing that you would spend so much time spewing your hate filled diatribes which go nowhere.

I sincerely hope you are blessed with an overwhelmingly painful case of asshole cancer you prick!

Second e-mail:

You may...

I hope its taken in the intent is was sent and the irony is allowed to shine through. Technology has allowed anyone who is so inclined to engage in public discourse on a world wide scale...shouldn't that come with responsibility? This amazing tool we have to engage in public discourse is, in my opinion, being wasted when you dive so low as to use name calling of not only the GOP leadership, but their children, their freinds, their spouses.

The founders would be very satisfied to know that you or your fellow bloggers disagree with a policy put forth by the GOP. Why not offer a competing idea, plan, policy, agenda, something? There is a growing group of moderate GOPers who I think would be opon to new ideas, competing schools of intellectual thought, different policies. But where are they? I cannot turn on CNN, open the NYT, or log onto any one of hundreds (if not thousands) of Bush bashing blogs without hearing or reading about the E-V-I-L Republicans and their secret plan to eat your baby's brain while covertly emptying your bank account so that they can illegally divert the money to Tom Delay and Haliburton.

I am a middle of the road, anti-death penalty, pro-public education kind of a guy. As such, there are times (too many lately) that I am disappointed with the leadership of my party. That just means that the President or congressional leadership is wrong...not stupid, not evil, not baby killers, just wrong.

I find it absolutely amazing that the modern demoncratic party fails to even attempt to capture my vote. Convice me, make good arguments, be thoughtful and intellectually honest. Instead, the Party and its comrades (you, Huffington, PFTAW, ACLU, Michael Moore,, et al) spend almost all of your time insulting the President and anyone who might like the guy to some degree.

In 1994 the GOP did engage in some character assassination in its attempt to recapture congress...I acknowledge it and fully understand that it was wrong (i.e. Tom Foley). However, if you will recall, they also offered competing ideas, new polcies. That's why they were so successful. You and your fellow Dems have got the character assassination part down (that's politics) but where is the competing policy? All I hear is NO...that GOP idea is wrong because the GOP is the KKK and they hate everyone accept white males....Oh...and they all are part of some vast, right-wing conspiracy to enrich Halibrton while plotting to kill Casey Sheehan.

I am truly sorry I was so rude before...just trying to use a bit of sarchasm to make a was intellectually weak and I know it.

Hope you post this...

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