Thursday, October 06, 2005

The Hotline, which purports to be a reputable publication, should be ashamed of this shit, published in on its blog:

TERRORISM: Sooner Or Later, Cable News Will Have To Pick Up On This

The bombing suicide of OU student Joel Hinrichs looks curiouser and curiouser: Gateway Pundit details a few reasons why suspicions are growing: "Joel attended the Islamic mosque near his apartment, possibly the same mosque as Zacarias Moussaoui attended. His Pakistani roommate has not been seen by neighbors since the incident. The very volatile explosive Joel used is the same chemical that Shoe Bomber Richard Reid tried to use before his arrest. It is very rarely seen in the US and is called "Mother of Satan" by Islamic extremists. Perhaps the best roundup of MSM reports and blog speculation is at CA-based non-blog ZombieTime. Michael Wright of Bellacio argues that ex-Sen./OU pres. David Boren, "widely known as the mentor and patron of George Tenet, seems very interested in undermining the investigation. He is sending a strong signal to the police that he will not tolerate any conclusion that terrorism was involved." Righty Karol Sheinin points out that so far, the nat'l media has ignored it, perhaps because they can't "find a 'blame Bush' angle." She notes, a Google News search for Joel Hinrichs' name produced 207 results, whereas a Technorati search "finds 198 blog posts about him. And, for most of us, this isn't our job."


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