Friday, July 02, 2004

Lying in Pools of Pis(tof)

Bob Somerby has a eviscerating critique of Pistof Kristof's "Liar" column.

For those who thought that mine sucked.

You know who you are.

Bob also makes this point for those who haven't the patience, or cabbage, for Bush at War:

Pathetic! Like other good boys did a few months ago, Kristof regurgitates these mandatory Bush-friendly scenes -- scenes which actually made little sense in Woodward's book, for reasons we explained in some detail (for example, see THE DAILY HOWLER, 4/26/04). Meanwhile, he also knows which scenes to omit; he fails to cite the earlier, lengthy passages where Woodward explicitly says that Bush and Cheney began grossly overstating the WMD intel in August 2002 (see THE DAILY HOWLER, 4/28/04). Has Kristof actually read Woodward's book? Or did he just read his cohort's abridgments -- abridgments which featured the pleasing scenes he dumps on us again? We don't have the slightest idea. But Kristof's knowledge of this book is on the Weekly Reader level. He knows the book's Official Bites. Robotic, he types them again.

Rock on, Bob!

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