Sunday, July 11, 2004

A glance at News paper terms

News paper - A form of advertising on paper, often accompanied by brief items on current events used to fill space between advertisements.

As a verb, news paper means to line the bottom of a birdcage or other waste receptacle with advertising on paper.

News paper journalist - A person who fabricates events, quotes and often people. See Jack Kelley.

Pressosphere - The incestuous community of corporate enterprises which sell advertising on paper, and which pander to advertisers in an effort to increase revenue.

Neuharth - Someone who no longer has his own news paper and doesn't have anything to say, but says it anyway.

Squitieri - Form of news paper journalism focusing on disinformation and right-wing propaganda.

McPaper - A form of advertising on paper which is especially greasy, tasteless and fact-free.

Giveaway - Advertising on paper so worthless it has to be forced upon hotel patrons while they sleep.


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