Tuesday, February 04, 2003

Thanks, Ralph

Those enjoying Ralph Nader's No War For Oil campaign (a press conference for which is being re-broadcast right now on C-SPAN2) should get a kick out of this:

Is there anyone in public life who comes close to representing your views?

[CHRIS HITCHENS:] Most recently, I�d say it would be Jerry Brown or Ralph Nader. One is a crazed, semi-Catholic, and one is a sort of crazed health nut, safety-first fanatic. But both are people of integrity, and they�re in politics because of conviction. And I�m very, very glad that neither of them ever had a chance of becoming President. But I�m glad that they ran. And I�m very glad that Nader stayed in to the end, because he hurt Al Gore�s chances of winning.

(via Atrios.)

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