Thursday, February 13, 2003

Idjitpundit As Frank Luntz

Reaching editorial consensus in the ''blogosphere'' -- the freewheeling world of Web log opinion -- is ''like herding cats,'' says Glenn Reynolds, who operates the site But ''most everybody open to persuasion has been largely persuaded by Colin Powell. There are lefty and libertarian bloggers who are against it, of course, but there are far more bloggers who are pro-war than the reverse.''

Leaving aside the pretenses that Idjit P. (Naca) knows who "is open to persuasion" or that he knows what "everybody" in the "blogosphere" thinks, IP doesn't make the case that anyone's been persuaded by Powell. Even if true, the fact that there are more chickenhawk-bloggers than anti-war bloggers doesn't mean that Powell changed anyone's mind.

In fairness, it could be that the author of the article made IP sound stupid, although he usually makes that case all by himself.

Addendum: If you'd prefer some intelligent analysis of Powell's recent pronouncements, as opposed to highly-questionable head counting, Thomas Spenser is your man. Read here, here and here.

Update: The missing link is no longer missing!

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