Saturday, August 06, 2005

There'll Always Be An Engnald

I never point out other bloggers' typos unless there's something unbearably funny about the wording of the mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, and bloggers aren't paid to proofread themselves. You get that for which you pay. And any post mocking a typo is guaranteed to contain an even more embarrassing typo, no matter how many times you reread it.

But when your output lacks any substance whatsoever, shouldn't you use spellcheck just to make yourself look a little less stupid? I give you Kathryn Jean Lopez:

I HOPE NO ONE OUT THERE [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
is playing this. It's Saturday for Pete's sake. That's strickly weekday material.
Posted at 02:34 PM

FROM BRITIAN [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
Robin Cook, the official who famously resigned during the run-up to the Iraq war, has died. RIP
Posted at 02:25 PM

Of course, when Lopez does attempt a thought, it's an abortion of both style and substance:

Am I wrong to be justifiably uncomfortable with the Hiroshima headline in the Washington Post today? "The Original Ground Zero." Anyone who's lived in America in the past few years knows what "Ground Zero" conjures up. What we dropped in Japan is such a complicated question. What was done to us on 9/11/01 has no reasonable-people-can-disagree justification. I am pretty sure I am reading way too much into that Post headline, but it left me feeling like it should have been written some other way.
Posted at 02:17 PM

No reasonable people can disagree that Lopez is a moron. The centers of the sites where American atomic bombs were dropped on Japan have been called Ground Zero since at least 1946. To suggest that using the original meaning of the term is improper reeks of arrogance born of cult-like devotion to the Miserable Failure and the myth that his greatest failure was a triumph. It's also a pathetic attempt to sanitize this Nation's history and, indirectly, the indiscriminate use of bombs by the current Administration.

Meanwhile, Cliff May just gets stupider and stupider.

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