Friday, August 05, 2005

Ken Auletta wastes his talents observing the trivial:

"Today" is generally more substantive in the first half hour, with more Washington news and international stories. Even when "Good Morning America" or CBS's "The Early Show" run the same story, they usually devote less time to it. However, the similarities are probably greater. All three programs are partial to tabloid stories, whether it be the tragic disappearance of a teen-ager in Aruba or a finger found in a bowl of chili at a fast-food restaurant.

There's no substance to Today. Yesterday, the program's first hour hit the WTWWA trifecta - Natalee Holloway (she thought she was getting into a cab!), Laci Peterson (someone saw a length-wise indentation on her bedspread!) and the Mentally-Ill Bride (her on-line registration at Crate & Barrel (?) had an error on it!) . G.E. loves to keep the viewers stupid.

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