Sunday, August 07, 2005

Fuck Those Bastards In Kansas

So says the eminent Fraudian, Charles Krauthammer, who's up for a little realpolitik horse-trading:

Some of the president's greatest supporters in the war on terror are shaking their heads in disbelief at his remarks. Charles Krauthammer, a neoconservative commentator, said the idea of teaching intelligent design -- creationism's "modern step-child" -- was "insane".

"To teach it as science is to encourage the supercilious caricature of America as a nation in the thrall of a religious authority," he wrote. "To impose it on the teaching of evolution is ridiculous."

Krauthammer's scathing article appeared in the current issue of Time magazine before Bush expressed his opinion. He believes it prompted a reporter to ask the president where he stood.

Caught off-guard, Bush gave an unrehearsed answer. "It is very clear to me that he is sincere about this," Krauthammer said. "He is not positioning."

However, he added: "If you look at this purely as a cynical political move, it will help in the heartlands and people of my ilk care a lot more about Iraq than about textbooks in Kansas."

Creationism is for the insane. Except when it keeps those Mid-Western feebs in line and thus allows Our Glorious Leader to practice his own theory of reverse evolution on the lower life forms in Iraq.

Coming soon: Quackhammer agrees to swap most of Article II and the Bill of Rights for the murder of some Central American nuns and the rearming of our friends the Iranians. Oh, wait, I think he's already done that one. As a Doctrine.

Where you've already read this: James Wolcott.

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