Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The Death of Reaganomics

On Schmuck Central Station, Jimmy "Astroturf" Glassman pens an appreciation of Jude Wanniski, who died of a heart attack on Monday.

Seems Jimmy prefers Jude's earlier wacko ideas (Reaganomics) to his more recent ones (opposition to the War Against Iraq). Jimmy rather coldly suggests that Jude went the way of St. Ronnie once he became eligible to receive Social Security: "Wanniski, a disciple of the Columbia University economist Robert Mundell, who won a Nobel Prize in 1999, valued history and -- at least until the final years -- logical clarity."

Jimmy also describes Wanniski's more recent writings as "sadly loopy," but undercuts that claim by referencing an Wanniski article castigating Bill Kristol for his war cheerleading. If that's an example of loopy, Jimmy should be so sane.

It's a shame Wanniski didn't live to see the Dow reach 36,000.

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