Thursday, April 08, 2004

The Trees Not Shaken

A threat emerged on August 6,
While George cleared 'way the Texas brush
I read the U.S. would be attacked,
And looked away quick as I could
While George vacationed at his ranch

The briefing did not speak of threats,
It spoke of history, so I claim
Though it said "Bin Laden Determined to Strike Inside [U.S.];"
I gave it not a passing thought
And I'm not about to take the blame

George met face to face with CIA,
They didn't pinpoint the attack,
So I ignored it for another day!
George didn't want flies shooed away,
That's a metaphor, if you must ask.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
"The structural problem was that we did not share domestic and foreign intelligence in a way to --- make a product people could depend upon"
And that shall be my best defense.

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