Monday, February 09, 2004


David Corn has the best analysis of the Bush interview (i.e., the one I agree with the most). Corn says:

I waited for Russert to pounce on Bush. But no pounce came. Russert asked Bush why he insisted on cutting taxes in wartime (when every other wartime president since the Civil War has raised taxes). Once more Bush had the chance to pull out one of his stock lines: "I believe the best way to stimulate the economic growth is to allow people to keep more of their own money." Haven't we heard this before? Unfortunately, that could be said about much of what came out of Bush this hour.

Meanwhile, Howie the Obsequious Putz argues for a double standard:

But [Russert] did not cut off the president the way he would any other long-winded guest. Perhaps that would have seemed too rude. The result was more like a press conference, where each question was followed by a long, discursive answer.

Rude? Heaven forfend!

In his online column, Howie usually quotes his right-wing pals (NRO, Peg) on an appearance like this. Today he doesn't, not surprisingly.

Putzie does have a good item on Bill O'Reilly lying about his book sales and Sen. Clinton's.

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