Thursday, February 12, 2004


Eric Alterman says that the first time he saw Ann Coulter on CNBC (or MSNBC, same difference) she was spewing bile at a disabled veteran of the Vietnam war. It's no surprise that she hasn't evolved. TBogg points out that, contrary to Coulter's lie, Senator Max Cleland was the victim of a grenade dropped by a fellow solider, not a victim of his own error. I could not agree more with Tom's statement:

Ann Coulter shouldn't even be allowed to speak Max Cleland's name. And she shouldn't be allowed to get away with smearing him in order to prop up a lying fratboy coward who hid out in the National Guard and then couldn't even bother to show up for work. There's no bravery in lying about a man who showed up to do his job and paid the price that Cleland did. And it's too bad that Cleland doesn't have a leg left to kick Coulter's skinny ass back to Connecticut.

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