Friday, August 05, 2005

You Didn't Hear It From Me

From the Boston Herald:

Cambridge-based Forrester Research reported yesterday that fewer than 2 percent of Americans who go online read blogs once a week or more.

Even among tech-savvy pioneers - those with laptops and WiFi networks in their homes -just 4 percent say they read blogs.

The surprising figures were uncovered after an exhaustive survey of 68,664 households.

How is this surprising? Is it surprising to the 98 percent of Americans who don't read blogs? Do those people think they're the exception, hold outs against a national blogmania?

And how was the survey exhaustive? 68,664 doesn't come close to exhausting the number of American households. Did they pester the "households" they did interview? ("Are you sure you don't read blogs more than once a week? Think hard! We want you to review all the sites you visited last week, just to make sure. No, we're serious. We're not hanging up until you do.")

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