Monday, August 15, 2005

Romenesko Letters:

From DAVID EHRENSTEIN: Lucy Dalglish to Newsday: "I know what's bothering [Judith Miller] more than anything is she cannot read the Internet. ... People are telling her about some allegations about her that are in the blogosphere and she has no way to fight back."

Now please correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Judy Miller write for a publication called the New York Times? And wouldn't the New York Times be more than glad to print absolutely anything she had to say about her current situation, helpfully supplying Miller with hard copy of what any number of different parties in greater blogistan have written? Better get back to complaining about that foam mattress. That's the best way to play the victim card, dear.
To which I'd add -- the allegations in the blogosphere (and elsewhere) against J.F. Miller were in circulation long before Miller was sentenced to prison. I'm not aware of any new ones popping up since she was sent down -- at least ones that don't have to do with what she's refusing to testify about. Why couldn't Miller be bothered to respond before now?

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