Thursday, June 03, 2004

Uriah Kaus Strokes Again

A Republican midget writes:

3. "We shook the tree," a reporter for The Hill tells Polier. "A bunch of names fell out, and yours had the most flesh to it." A bunch of names? Hmmm. Had Polier heard such names? Doe she think the hopes for a good Kerry sex scandal are completely unfounded? She's remarkably reticent about Kerry's behavior with others. ...

What the fuck?

Someone tells Polier that the story that she fucked Kerry was the most credible of the Kerry-fucking rumors -- a story she knows is completely false -- and she's supposed to ask who the others are and offer an opinion as to the credibility of the other stories? Did it ever occur to the Republican runt that the reporter was blowing smoke to justify asking an obnoxious and totally unfounded question of Polier? The reporter obviously knew nothing. Haven't you ever heard of a bluff, you dimwit?

And if, as Polier said, she hardly knew Kerry and never worked for him, how the hell would she know about "Kerry's behavior with others?" If you want to spend your days sniffing out a "good Kerry sex scandal," Kaus, do it yourself instead of expecting others to do it for you.

p.s. -- At least Kaus acknowledges that women loathe him and, apparently, the loathing keeps him up all night. (See 6/3, 3:36 a.m.) If there was ever a statistic that supports the existence of superior gender, that's the one.

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