Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Remember, Kids, Alcohol Kills Brain Cells

Chris Hitchens writes, with a shaky hand:

I can remember when I was a bit of an ETA fan myself. It was in 1973*, when a group of Basque militants assassinated Adm. Carrero Blanco.


Correction, March 16, 2004: Adm. Luis Carrero Blanco was killed in 1973, not 1975 as this article originally stated. (Return to the corrected item.)

I remember it as if it was yesterday, rounded off to the nearest year or two.

Hic!th may still qualify for the G.O.P. Team Leader Points, though. The title of Chris's article refers to "appeasement," although he manages to avoid the word in the article itself. I recommend the Joe McCarthy highball glass set, Chris (only 2,000 dignity points -- cheap!)

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