Monday, March 08, 2004

Howie the Putz Concerned Over Revelations He's A Gigantic Whore

Today's Media Notes Excrement entry is headlined: "Kerry Concerned Over Flip-Flop Image." Of course, Kurtz never quotes Kerry or anyone associated with his campaign as saying Kerry is concerned about "a flip-flop image." Howie then writes:

"Unfortunately from the Kerry camp's point of view, one narrative taking hold in the press is that of Kerry as Flip-Flopper, which just happens to coincide with the 'says one thing, does another' line being pushed by the Bush team."

Is it a concidence? -- the Putz offers no evidence for that assertion. Tomorrow, Howie will "report" that it's a coincidence that the sun rose on Tuesday approximately 24 hours from when it did today.

The Putz also reports on two plagiarism stories (and manages to work in the race of one of the accused) but gives the Boston Herald a complete pass for hiring known plagiarist Mike Barnicle.

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