Monday, December 08, 2003

The Blogsphere's Biggest Tool

There have been a lot of recent comments on the fascist fantasies of a cretinous Canadian named Adam Yoshida. When I read this guy, I just have to laugh.

Take this December 6 post from Yoshida, quoted in full here:

Schizophrenics for Dean

The perils of having too many supporters:

hope that you will see fit to visit this blog over the course of the campaign to hear the voice of the mentally ill, which is so often ignored in our society. As you will see, the voices of the mentally ill, from New York City to Los Angeles, are lined up behind Governor Howard Dean!

posted by Adam at 15:35 PM

Get it? Schizophrenics support Howard Dean! You'd have to be mentally ill to support Dean! Ahaha!

If you check out the linked site, you'll see the post quoted by Yoshida was created just 16 minutes before Yoshida's post. It takes an eagle eye to find new sites so quickly. And look! The author of the Schizophrenics for Dean site is also named Adam! What are the odds of that?

Without consulting my esteemed colleague, Doctor Krauthammer, I'm unable to identify the syndrome which best describes the kind of nut who would create a fake website and then mock the fictitious author of that website and the presidential candidate supported by the make-believe author. Or the one describing the jackass who thinks the nut "has some interesting observations" on anything.

But didn't another Harvard man start out this way?

(And don't tell me it's meant to be a gag. It's got to be funny to be a gag.)

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