Monday, October 13, 2003

Reading the BushBlog So You Won't Have To

Today's pine-scented pearl of wisdom:

The Rocky Mountain News editorial board weighs in today with a piece urging Congress to pass legislation to grant the federal government additional tools to address the problem of unnatural fuel buildup in our forests. President Bush�s Healthy Forest Initiative focuses on reducing the risk of catastrophic fire by thinning dense undergrowth and brush in priority locations.

"Unnatural fuel buildup?" Is Bush saying that God is committing unnatural acts -- like a sodomite? Shades of Reagan's polluting trees!

The President believes that Healthy Forests is an American issue that requires consensus to do what is right to preserve and protect our national forests.

Geez, talk about dense undergrowth. That is one bloated and borderline incoherent sentence. Someone needs to clear out the deadwood who's writing the BushBlog.

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