Saturday, October 11, 2003

And he's got more credibility than Whoraldo, Ollie North and Fred Barnes combined.

Via Buzzflash, the Guardian reports that Roger Ailes & Co. have been beefing up their lineup of foreign correspondents with some experienced government hands.

Diplomats and other officers of the former Ba'athist intelligence apparatus claim that the return to active duty of members of Saddam's security services extends to the former head of the mukhabarat himself, Tahir Jalil Haboosh.

They are not the only apparatchiks deemed worthy of rehabilitation. Almost all of the bureaucrats at the information ministry have done very nicely for themselves since the war. The government minders who spent their days reporting to the intelligence services on foreign reporters or doing their best to obstruct their work have gone on to well-paid jobs - for the same foreign news organisations they once hounded.

The second-in-command at the information ministry, who spent his days reading the reports the minders wrote about visiting foreign journalists, has been employed by Fox News.

Okay, it doesn't say that he's been hired as a correspondent. Maybe he'll be a Fox News Analyst instead.

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