Sunday, August 10, 2003

Worst ... E-Mail Survey ... Ever

Jesse at has responded to a e-mail survey asking left bloggers to identify the Worst Americans Ever. I got the same e-mail and planned on responding, but the e-mail said that I had to respond before midnight the same day, so I was too late. (Plus, if you're asking someone for a favor, is it really a good idea to put such a short deadline on it?)

Anyway, I would have listed at least six of the same men as Jesse; probably more Confederates and less assassains. Plus, Bush, to piss off the wingnuts, and Mickey Kaus, just for the hell of it. And the guy who sent me the e-mail.

The question is kind of vague. Are we being asked for the most evil people who happen to be Americans, or the Americans who have done the most damage to America? Sure, Ted Bundy killed more people than Pat Robertson, as far as anyone knows, but Ted didn't have much of an impact on the country beyond the personal tragedies he caused.

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